Freedom Fest Amidst a Pandemic

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Freedom Fest, Murray's annual Fourth of July celebration, is an event many of our locals look forward to each year to celebrate our nation's independence. It is a day that usually begins with a patriotic parade, followed by a series of family-friendly events held by community leaders, and ending with a fireworks display above the city. The reality is, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has changed everything. No matter the case, our traditions must continue, and Freedom Fest will go on!

This year, our celebration will look slightly different. We are cautious of state rules and regulations, while the well-being and safety of our community remains the highest priority. The decision to cancel many social gathering activities was not easy, nor was it easy to imagine the disappointment of our community.


We couldn't possibly go without celebrating the Fourth of July without our renowned fireworks. This year, we have partnered with The Murray Bank to bring our community and surrounding friends the tradition everyone looks forward to. The Murray Bank Fireworks Extravaganza is scheduled for Saturday, July 4 shooting off at 9:30 p.m. The community is welcome to view the fireworks along U. S. 641 N. We strongly encourage viewers to follow social distancing guidelines and remain in vehicles, with one family per vehicle.

For those who are uncomfortable leaving their home, a live stream of the fireworks will be shown on social media. Please follow FreedomFestKY on Facebook, along with The Murray Bank for the live streaming. Streaming will occur on the balcony of The Murray Bank north office!


The Veteran's Remembrance Ceremony is also scheduled to occur the morning of July 4 at 7:30 a.m. in Chestnut Park. The ceremony recognizes those who have served and continue to serve our country, while remembering their sacrifices for our freedom.

These events allow our community to safely celebrate Freedom Fest, while still taking part in our city's traditions. We are hopeful that ALL events will continue as scheduled for next year's festivities, and encourage members of our community to remain safe and healthy during this time.

If you have any questions regarding Freedom Fest, please call the Murray Convention and Visitors Bureau at 270-759-2199 or visit this link!


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